Victoryvisions >> The PHP/Mysql Company & Complete website development company

Written by Nirmal

VictoryVisions Software & Web Development was established in 2003 by a single dedicated professional programmer. By God's grace and his dedication to each job, it has expanded into a professional team with programmers, database designers and website developers.

We at VictoryVisions work on a variety of projects, ranging from a simple contact form, to a fully integrated database driven website. We specialize in PHP/MySQL programming and will work closely to make your idea become a reality.

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Functionality Vs. Design

Written by Thomas Jenkins

The question faced by all web designers at sometime during a project is: How much functionality should I sacrifice for stylish design? I know that I have played this balancing game many times. However there is a way to have both in healthy servings, in other words, there is a way to have your cake and eat it too. ` beckonsrepparttar next functionality revolution` The popularisation of .jpeg and .gif formats in web design was arguably one ofrepparttar 143775 earliest and greatest functionality revolutions, allowing us to fill our pages with 10 timesrepparttar 143776 images we could before. Now beckonsrepparttar 143777 next revolution for good design and functionality onrepparttar 143778 web. What is it and how much does it cost? Isrepparttar 143779 response given by most, including myself when I

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